First-Time DUI Attorneys in DuPage County
Illinois Lawyers for First-Time DUI Defense
After decades of national efforts and awareness campaigns, virtually every driver is aware of the dangers of drunk driving. Yet every year in Illinois, thousands of drivers are charged with driving under the influence (DUI). Many of them are convicted, resulting in serious penalties including prison sentences, expensive fines, the suspension of driving privileges, and a permanent mark on both driving and criminal records. Those who have been charged with DUI for the first time, however, may have additional options available to avoid a conviction. If you are facing first-time DUI charges, the Davi Law Group is prepared to provide you with the quality representation you deserve and the legal counsel you need during a difficult time.
DUI Defense in Northern Illinois
Your defense against DUI charges always begins with a comprehensive investigation of your case. When you call the Davi Law Group, our attorneys will review every detail and uncover any relevant evidence that can be used in your defense. We will speak with law enforcement and prosecutors to ensure your rights have not been compromised, and if they have been, we will work to have the case against you dismissed.
In some situations, however, the facts of the case may not be favorable. Fortunately, the state of Illinois offers a number of opportunities to first-time DUI offenders that can help them avoid a conviction and minimize the impact to their future. The process, however, is not necessarily easy and, if you have been charged with DUI for the first time, you will likely face pretty serious challenges.
Legal Advocates for Clients Facing First-Time DUI Charges
Depending on the nature of your charges and the circumstances of your case, you may be able to avoid a conviction entirely. According to statistics released by the state, only about 20 percent of first offenders are formally convicted of DUI. The remaining majority is more likely to receive court supervision, which is similar to probation, with conditions and restrictions imposed on the defendant. These may include alcohol or substance abuse counseling, remedial driving programs, and regular contact with a court-appointed supervisor. Successful completion of a court supervision program results in the charges being dismissed without a conviction.
If your charges included refusing or failing a Breathalyzer test, or any other chemical test, you will still face the statutory summary suspension of your driving privileges of up to one year. You may be eligible to obtain a Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) which will allow you to drive while your license is suspended. You will be required to have a Blood Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device on your vehicle which prevents the vehicle from being operated under the influence.
As with any criminal offense, every situation is different. Contact the Davi Law Group today to discuss your case and learn more about how we can help you. Your life does not need to be ruined by a first-time DUI charge, and our attorneys are here to help. Call 630-580-6373 to schedule a consultation at one of our five office locations. We are proud to serve clients in Cook, Kane, Kendall, Will, and DuPage Counties.